20 People Share Their Spiciest 'Dirty Little Secret'
Some people feel more comfortable sharing their deepest darkest secrets to millions of anonymous viewers on the internet than they do to one single person in their lives.
Published 4 months ago in Wow
Some people feel more comfortable sharing their deepest darkest secrets to millions of anonymous viewers on the internet than they do to one single person in their lives. Fortunately, that means we get to read the juicy gossip.
Here are 20 people, and their biggest "dirty little secrets."
At a friend's party, hosted at her moms place. After a couple drinks I felt bloated and went into the bathroom and took off some layers, rolled them up and stashed them under the sink. I planned to come back for them before leaving but completely forgot about it, fast forward a couple weeks later, my friend mentions that her mom and step-dad were having some marital issues and mentioned her mom suspected he was cheating because, YOU GUESSED IT, she found some intimates hidden in the bathroom. I should've said something but I was so embarrassed and couldn't own up to it. I felt horrible about this for so long. Well, it turns out he was actually cheating too. They are now divorced.3
When I was a teenager, my grandma came to visit and she wanted me to show her my room. She was just trying to be nice and connect with me because I was in my rebellious teenage phase. She noticed that my desk was all dirty and dusty, so she wanted to give me some cleaning tips. She said "You can use a dirty shirt from your hamper to wipe the dust off," and she proceeded to grab an old shirt that I used... as a “rag.” It had been recently used. So, there I was, in my room with my grandma, her hands and my desk, wet. I honestly don't know how she didn't realize it just by the smell. But, bless her heart, she never noticed or said anything. Ever since then, I'd put the shirt at the bottom of the hamper. It might be her dirty little secret too.4
I was in college, home for summer and at a big party at a high school friend's family's lake house. I started feeling a rumble, and I knew the beer-rumbles were coming. Line for the bathroom was several people long and I wasn't going to make it. Stuffed some napkins in my pocket, went outside, across the street and into the woods. I did a wall squat up against a tree and let it rip. While pulling up my pants, my foot slipped a little bit, and being drunk as a skunk, I thought nothing of it. The next morning the host of the party, a girl I went to HS with, was loudly complaining about her dog tracking poop across the carpet. It was me. I slipped in my own poop and tracked it into the house. Nobody noticed because of the hubbub of the party.5
I’m gonna be dead by next year and nobody knows except me, my boss thinks I got out of a bad relationship and my family think I’m just having a rough patch. Got severe arthritis, cascading organ failures and an unknown mass in my heart that makes it look like something out of resident evil. I’ll likely drop dead at work and I keep notes on my person as to what to do on that event as well and enough cash to get it all started.6
I went on a Mormon mission to Italy and stopped believing in the church about three months in, and faked that I was fine so that I could stay in Italy. I broke every rule I could from that point on. Went to beaches. Snuck out at night, slept in everyday, hung out with groups of kids our age. Drank coffee and some wine and alcohol. Wouldn't wear the token white shirt and tie BS. I HAD A BLAST for the last 20 or so months.7
As a teen, I lit my parents' house on fire playing with pyrotechnics in the garage, and then staged it to look like an electrical fire so I wouldn't get in trouble. I was regarded as the hero who put the fire out before it consumed the house. I was the cause. They had all of the electrical redone in the house as a precaution against another fire. I never came clean.10
In basic combat training, one of the first nights, I was having a dream where I was peeing and wet the bed as an 18-year-old in Army basic combat training. Hadn’t wet the bed since I was a toddler. It wasn’t a lot, the immediate feeling of it woke me up, but I was so embarrassed. I made sure no one knew.11
A guy at my old job gave me a scratch-off lottery ticket. So I'm sitting alone in my cube and I scratch it. It's a 10k winner. Now, we have the obvious situation: Do you jump up and yell that you won and then comes the awkward part of the gifter wondering if you're going to split it? Or do you say it wasn't a winner and avoid the drama? Co-worker stops by and asks if I scratched it yet, I hadn't made up my mind on what to do yet, so I said no. He left. My heart is beating like crazy. Did I just win 10 grand? Yeah, I'm gonna just say it wasn't a winner next time the co-worker drops by.
I'm looking at the ticket and consumed by possibilities. I feel kind of like Gollum at this point. I turn it over to see how to redeem it.... and yeah, it was a prank ticket. THANK GOD I saw that before he stopped by again. I would have looked like such an awful person. And I would have been.14
My family think I finished the computer science degree, but I dropped out. However I've been working in the sector for about 25 years in a row without any trouble and people, (employers and colleagues), seem to think that I'm quite competent. It's not disturbing per se but for my parents it was a big deal that I finished my studies. My dad passed away three years ago without knowing. My mom is 83 and she is still proud of me and I hope things stay the same till she dies.18
I'm an alcoholic. No one is aware of how bad it’s gotten but I'm drinking to almost blackout daily and going to work ill every single day. I still do my job fine but the second I’m off it’s all I want to do and I can't stop myself anymore. It's been like this for almost two years now. What I’m doing to myself while acting completely fine to everyone disturbs me but I’m really struggling to get myself help.